CMM 429/529 - Pathophysiology of Urogenital and Endocrine Systems

Instructor’s Names: Dr. Yana Zavros

Course Description: CMM 529 will provide students with a foundational understanding of disease as a manifestation of disrupted physiology.  Course content will include an overview of normal physiology of urogenital and endocrine systems, as well as disruption of homeostatic maintenance in disease processes associated with these organ systems.  Principles will be illustrated using representative commonly occurring disorders and their treatments. This course is designed to compliment CMM 549, Histology of Urogenital and Endocrine Systems.

Required extracurricular activities: n/a

Credit hours: 1

Semester Offered: Spring, Fall 5W3

Class meets: Online, asynchronous

Course meetings: n/a

Textbook: n/a