Research-Track Faculty
Associate Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine (Research Scholar Track) (Career Track)
Exploring the role and regulation of serine protease Kallikrein 6 in metastatic colon cancer.
Associate Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine (Career Track)
(520) 626-4198
Focusing on the role of titin-based mechanosensing in diaphragm physiology.
Associate Research Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine - (Research Series Track)
Associate Director, Translational Clinical Bioinformatics Coordinator, Biomedical Informatics (520) 626-0391
Investigating the underlying molecular profiles in cancer patient data using integrated computational analysis of multi-omics data in the context of disease outcome, treatment and progression.
Assistant Research Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine (Research Series Track) (Career Track)
(520) 626-5209
My work is focused on understanding how the architecture of muscle cells is regulated, with particular emphasis on how actin filaments assemble and how aberrant actin filament assembly leads to myopathies.
Associate Research Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine (Research Series Track) (Career Track)
Assistant Research Scientist, Respiratory Sciences (520) 626-9644
Studying the molecular mechanisms of allergy and asthma using mouse models.
Assistant Research Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine (Research Series Track) (Career Track)
Assistant Research Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine (Research Series Track) (Career Track)
Assistant Research Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine (Research Series Track) (Career Track)
(520) 626-7616
Studying cardiopulmonary-, and skeletal muscle physiology, with a focus on diaphragm (dys)function, in small animal models.