Instructor’s Names: Dr. Lonnie Lybarger
Course Description: This course will combine lectures from the UA medical curriculum with regular meetings with basic-science faculty to introduce students to the concepts of Medical Immunology and Infectious Disease. Students will gain knowledge of not only basic-science aspects of these highly interrelated topics, but also medical aspects of these topics that will be valuable in guiding translational research in this general area. This course provides a flexible learning format with less formal in-class instruction than traditional courses. Students will view course content in podcast format on their own (or with other students), and meet once per week as a class with faculty for group discussion and review of the content.
Cross-listed as: IMB 605
Credit hours: 4
Semester Offered: Fall
Course meetings: Wednesdays 2:30-5 in TBD
Textbooks: Sherris Medical Microbiology by Ryan and Ray & Basic Immunology by Abbas, Lichtman and Pillai
- 10% Weekly quizzes
- 10% Class participation
- 25% for each of two written exams
- 30% final oral exam