CMM Committees and Shared Governance

CMM Committees


CMM Executive Committee

Sakthivel Sadayappan, PhD, MBA, Department Head
Haley O’Brien, PhD, Associate Head, Education
Greg Rogers, PhD, Associate Head, Faculty Development
Aaron Hodges, MBA, Department Administrator

Access, Community & Belonging Committee                                         

Gus Mouneimne, PhD (Director)
Noel Warfel, PhD
Lonnie Lybarger, PhD
Ritu Pandy, PhD
Valerie Schaibley, PhD
Anastasia Amoiroglou

Appointment, Promotion & Tenure Committee                      

Henk Granzier, PhD (Chair)
Greg Rogers, PhD
David Bear, PhD
Julie Ledford, PhD

CMM Curriculum Committee 

Haley O’Brien, PhD (Chair)
Valerie Schaibley, PhD
Lonnie Lybarger, PhD
James Proffitt, PhD
Becca Van Sickler, MEd

Department Communications Committee                     

Noel Warfel, PhD (Chair)
Gus Mouneimne, PhD
Becca Van Sickler, MEd

Department Seminar Committee                       

Darren Cusanovich, PhD (Chair)
Becca Van Sickler, MEd

Faculty Annual Evaluation Committee             

Greg Rogers, PhD (Chair)
Ritu Pandey, PhD
Casey Romanoski, PhD
Lonnie Lybarger, PhD
Julie Ledford, PhD

CMM Masters’ & Certificate Committee            

Lonnie Lybarger, PhD (Director)
David Bear, PhD
James Proffitt, PhD
Ritu Pandy, PhD
Chris Pappas, PhD
Sasha Verdugo

CMM Program Directors

Graduate Studies – Doctoral: Curtis Thorne, PhD
MS Graduate & Certificate: Lonnie Lybarger, PhD
Willed Body Program: Jean Wilson, PhD
Genetic Counselling: Chris Stallman, MLS, MS, LCGC
Anatomy: James Proffitt, PhD
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Gus Mouneimne, PhD

Research Committee                                           

Henk Granzier, PhD (Chair)
Jared Churko, PhD
Gus Mouneimne, PhD
Casey Romanoski, PhD

Shared Committees in COM-T


ABBS Executive Committee

CMM Representative: Casey Romanoski, PhD

CMM-Affiliated Core Directors

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell: Jared Churko, PhD
Phenotyping: Henk Granzier, PhD
Gene Editing/CRISPR: Nathan Ellis, PhD
Viral Production: Henk Granzier, PhD
BioDRoid Core: Yana Zavros, PhD
TACMASR: Yana Zavros, PhD
EMSS Core: Noel Warfel, PhD

GPMM Graduate Studies Committee                    

Curtis Thorne, PhD (Chair)
Deepta Bhattacharya, PhD (Co-Chair; IMB Dept.)
Brett Colson, PhD 
Sam Campos, PhD (IMB Dept)
Casey Romanoski, PhD
Becca Van Sickler, MEd

Joint Biology Research Retreat Committee                             

Darren Cusanovich, PhD 
Becca Van Sickler, MEd