The Graduate Certificate requires a minimum of 12 units of credit to complete: 10+ units of required coursework, and 2+ units of electives. Per UA Graduate College guidelines, up to 3 units may be transferred from another institution.
Students will be required to complete their units from courses in the following disciplines, with a grade of C or better:
Required Coursework (8+ units)
Anatomical or Cell & Molecular Emphasis (4 units total) - choose between:
- CMM 501 "Human Gross Anatomy" (4 units, Summer 5W1)
OR any 4-unit combination of the following*:
- CMM 518 - Fundamental Genetic Mechanisms: from Molecules to Genomes (3 units, Fall)
CMM 503 – Human Molecular Genetics Basics (1unit, Spring 5W3, Summer Pre-session, Fall 5W1, online)
CMM 518 - Fundamental Genetic Mechanisms: from Molecules to Genomes (3 units, Fall, in-person)
CMM 520 – Clinical Cancer Genetics (2 units, Spring, in-person)
CMM 533 – Molecular Medicine (1 unit, Fall, 5W2, online - Pre-requisite: CMM 503)
CMM 534 – Genomic Medicine (1 unit, Spring, online - Pre-requisites: CMM 503 and CMM 533)
CMM 535 – Genetic Medicine (1 unit, Fall, 5W3, online - Pre-requisites: CMM 503 and CMM 533)
- CMM 536 - Cell Biology Basics (1 unit; ONLINE)
- CMM 537 - Immunology Basics (1 unit, Spring 7W1, online)
- CMM 550 - Inflammation and Immune Pathology (1 unit, Spring 7W2, online)
*Or substitution with an equivalent course by approval from the Program Director
Histology (3 units total) - choose between:
- CMM 510 "Human Histology: An Introduction to Pathology" (3 units, Summer Pre-Session or Fall)
CMM 547 - (Histology Basics - 1 unit, online)
*Note: It is OK for students to take both CMM 547 AND CMM 510.
* As of Fall, '22, these 2 one-unit courses will no longer be taught, but they will count towards the requirement:
CMM 548 - (Histology of the Digestive and Respiratory Systems-1 unit)*
CMM 549 - (Histology of the Urogenital and Endocrine Systems - 1 unit)*
Microscopy: 1 unit total
* As of Spring 2022, the requirement for microscopy is switching from '3 units' to 'at least 1 unit'. Students interested in research are encouraged to take CMM 565.
The requirement can be met through these courses:
CMM 565 - Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Digital Imaging (3 units, spring)
CMM 566 - Microscopy Basics for Biomedical Research (1 unit, fall 5W3)
* As of Spring 2022, these 3 one-unit courses will no longer be taught, but they will count towards the requirement:
CMM 541 - Bright-Field Microscopy
CMM 542 - Fundamentals of Digital Imaging
CMM 546 - Fluorescence Microscopy
Elective Coursework: 2+ units
** Those taking only one unit of microscopy (CMM 566) will need two additional units of elective coursework.
Recommended electives:
- CMM 504 - Cell Biology of Disease (3 units, Summer 5W2)
- CMM 527 - Pathophysiology Basics (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 528 - Pathophysiology Organ Systems A (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 529 - Pathophysiology Organ Systems B (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 543 - Embryology I (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 544 - Embryology II (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 550 - Inflammation and Immune Pathology (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 558 - Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 559 - Principles of Clinical Reasoning (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 560 - Clinical Reasoning: In Their Own Words (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 561 - Clinical Reasoning: Working Clinical Cases (1 unit, ONLINE)
- CMM 577 - Principles of Cell Biology (4 units, Fall)
- CMM 595H - Problems in the Biology of Complex Diseases (2 units, Fall)
- BIOS 576A - Biostatistics in Public Health (3 units)
- EPID 651 - Bioethics, Regulations and Repercussions in Research (2 Units)
- PATH 515 - Mechanisms of Human Disease (4 units)
Other courses in the biomedical sciences and medicine may also be appropriate and can be considered. Students are required to receive approval from their advisory committee for their final selection of courses. * Note: It is now possible to complete the Certificate on-line by selecting all on-line options from the list of required and elective courses.
Students must maintain an overall grade-point average (GPA) of 3.0 to remain in good standing with the program. In accordance with the policies of the Graduate College, any student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. If the student's cumulative GPA is still below 3.0 at the end of the probationary semester, s/he will be dismissed from the program.